Just got back from Germany, which was awesome, although not really much like the EPCOT pavilion. I was in Berlin for most of the trip, though, and I think the EPCOT pavilion was modeled more on the southern, Bavarian part of the country. That said, I drank a ton of amazing beer, ate plenty of pretzel rolls, ogled hot women, came close to getting shot by a crazy security guard, and was told to stop filming at two separate high-security locations. So, not a whole lot different than my typical WDW vacation! I plan on having the trip video edited and uploaded to YouTube in a few weeks, so stay tuned!
I did want to post this one picture, though, which I thought was hilarious:
Why do Germans think Cool Americans taste like Ranch Dressing?
One good thing about having two 8-hour first class flights there and back was that I had plenty of uninterrupted time to work on the new book, which, in case you haven’t heard, is titled “Our Kingdom of Dust”. A few weeks back I signed on Hugh Allison as my Editor/Fact-Checker, and he’s been doing a great job cranking out pages upon pages of notes. For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of talking with Hugh, he’s easily the most detail-oriented Disney fan I’ve ever come across. I like to torment him by referring to Disney’s BoardWalk Inn as The Boardwalk (no capital “W”), and he seems to get very angry every time I mention Cinderella’s Castle (as opposed to the correct Cinderella Castle) in the text. He also seems to have an encyclopedic knowledge of when every attraction, restaurant, and shop in every park opened (and closed). Of course, these traits make him the perfect person to serve as the editor for this book, especially considering that the main character’s story weaves in and out of nearly 25 years of WDW history. Anyway, Hugh has been sending me a ton of notes for each chapter, and I was able to spend a lot of time on my flights going through those notes and making the necessary corrections to the text. I’m hoping to be done with this process in 2-3 weeks.
In the meantime, Pentakis has been hard at work building a miniature castle prop for the upcoming photo shoot. The cover image will once again be shot by Alan Partlow and will of course feature Draven Star. It’ll be a much more involved shoot than the one we did for DSoD, but I think the end result will be spectacular!
In other news, I’m scheduled to appear on a few more podcasts; once I know the release dates I’ll post them here. Also, the crew and I will be making another trip to WDW in the near future, where we’ll be gathering plenty of content for more YouTube vids. I don’t want to publicize exactly when we’ll be there (for various reasons), but if you’re a local and are interested in meeting up with us, feel free to send me an email. Finally, DSoD temporary tattoos will soon be available! I’ll be handing them out at events, and will also send them out with any future orders placed through my store. Pictures coming soon!
Friday morning: Woke up at 6AM, which sucked ass. Picked up Draven, and drove to the 98 Rock radio station for our appearance on the Mickey, Amelia, and Spiegel morning show. Really enjoyed talking to the hosts – we had a good rapport and they seemed genuinely interested in the book. You can listen to a portion of the interview at http://thejoint.98online.com/_Leonard-Kinsey/audio/922286/13306.html
Friday evening: Arrived at Atomic Books at about 6:30PM and started prepping for the event, which began at 7PM. Drank a bunch of beer, the last of which foamed up and spilled all over my crotch 30 seconds before I was supposed to go on. Undeterred, I wrapped a flannel around my waist, and Draven and I stepped out from backstage to a packed house! We had a great time reading the “Newmeyer Banned for Life” and “Timeshare Horror Story” segments, narrating the “Image Works: Now and Then” video, signing books and glossies (Draven still has some left – hit her up on her website if you want to buy one!), and talking to a bunch of cool people (including the infamous El Tigre!!!). Afterwards a few of us went to Rocket to Venus, ate some amazing food, and ran into John Waters, which was awesome since he’s been one of my idols since middle school.
Thanks a ton to Atomic Books and the “Smile, Hon” crew for putting together what turned out to be a really fun and memorable evening! Here’s a video recap, shot by Pentakis:
Saturday night: Headed over to the Hunt Valley Marriot and met up with Jeff Heimbuch, MiceAge columnist and co-author of the upcoming Rolly Crump bio. Jeff, his girlfriend Martina, and a bunch of their crazy friends entertained me with lots of drinking, readings from their upcoming books, and general shenanigans. One of the highlights of the evening was when Jeff stopped halfway through one of his readings to take a piss, only to pass out halfway to the bathroom. We found him laying in the middle of the hallway. That’s some Dark Side of Disney shit right there!
His friend Susan was kind enough to take a picture of us together:
Jeff and Leonard
Sunday: Woke up hungover @ 2PM. Popped 3 ibuprofen, drank some coffee, started feeling better, and spent the rest of the day editing the Atomic Books video. Neglected the warnings on the ibuprofen bottle and drank more beer. Switched to Gin and Tonics. Drunkenly rendered the video, went back to bed, and thus ended a pretty epic weekend!
I’m back, bitches! My self-imposed exile is over, which means MORE VIDEOS!
But first, some other business:
1. Draven Star and I will be signing and reading at Atomic Books in Baltimore this Friday, 1/27 from 7-9PM. If you’re anywhere near Baltimore, you definitely shouldn’t miss this event! We’ll also be on 98 Rock that morning promoting the event, probably around 8:15AM.
2. I was recently interviewed on the WDW Dis-Cussion Podcast, and it turned out really well! The hosts had some interesting questions, and towards the end I rant a lot about EPCOT and reveal the title of my upcoming novel. Download the podcast at www.wdwdiscussion.com.
3. Draven and I were also interviewed live on WDW After Dark’s vidcast! We had a fantastic time talking to the hosts and the audience (via chat), and hope to do it again soon. A replay of the episode (#38) can be seen at www.wdwafterdark.com
Okay, now onto the video!
The back story here is that I bought a butt-ton of WDW blueprints off eBay years ago, and one of them was of the 3rd floor of The Land pavilion. The 3rd floor housed Kraft’s VIP lounge, where executives from Kraft could go to have meetings, get some refreshments, or just relax. You can see the windows of the lounge clearly from the lobby of the pavilion (smoked glass over top of The Good Turn) and also from within the Listen to the Land boat ride (look up and to the left during the rainforest and farmhouse scenes).
Blueprint of The Land's VIP Lounge
Well, after staring at this blueprint every night (it’s hanging next to my bed) I’d worked up a pretty rabid desire to see the place for myself. As far as I could tell, the only way up there was via the elevator on the left side of the pavilion, near the bathrooms and The Good Turn. Unfortunately when you try to press “3” in that elevator, nothing happens. That stumped me for about a year, until fate intervened…. Now, I can’t reveal exactly how I was able to press the button, but lets just say that patience, some advice from a friend, and a little bit of luck all played a part.
As the video starts, I’m pressing the button for “3”. Draven and Pentakis are in there with me, and when we hit the 3rd floor, the door opens to reveal the lobby. We get out, and I realize only seconds later that I’d forgotten to tell the girls to hold the elevator door. Too late. The door closes and the elevator is gone. Damn. No fast escapes this time.
Since we’re stuck up there anyway, I decide to go exploring. I head to the right, and wind around the hallway. But as I approach a black velvet curtain randomly hanging from the ceiling, I hear voices on the other side, and they sound like they’re coming right toward me! So I turn and run, only to see that the damn elevator still hasn’t arrived! I’m freaking out a bit, but the people I heard behind the curtain haven’t shown up to bust us yet, so I decide to look around and film the immediate vicinity of the elevator, which admittedly, isn’t very interesting.
Finally, after what seems like hours, the elevator arrives. And in it is a very obese lady on an ECV, along with her companion. They’re looking at us, totally confused, not having any idea where they are. Apparently they’d gotten in the elevator on level 2, intending to go to level 1, but were instead brought up to 3 because we’d been repeatedly pressing the button! We nonchalantly cram ourselves in with them, say nothing, and go down to level 2, where we make a break for it and get the hell out of the pavilion.
I’d really like to explore the lounge more in the future. As near as I could tell there was also a stairway entrance, which can be seen briefly in the video, so maybe I’ll try to get up there that way? I’m also very curious as to what’s in the “B” basement level. Would that take you underneath the boat ride? That’d be pretty awesome. If anyone has any other info about access to the 3rd floor lounge, or knows what’s in the basement, please let me know!
More videos coming soon, including a backstage adventure at the Mexico pavilion!
I haven’t posted in a bit, but that’s because I cloistered myself in my office over the holidays, ignored all of my relatives at Christmas, didn’t go out for NYE, and…. FINISHED THE 1ST DRAFT OF MY NEW BOOK!!!
This one is a little different than DSoD. It’s fiction, but it does take place in Walt Disney World and features tons of sex, drugs, violence, and bad language. I think anyone who enjoyed DSoD is going to get a kick out of this one, too.
The next step is to do a few more drafts to take it from good to awesome, and then send it off to an editor for a final spit-polish. Hoping for a completion date of March, with a release date maybe in May?
In the meantime I have a few events lined up that DSoD fans might be interested in:
Thursday, January 12, 2012. Taping an Interview for The WDW Dis-Cussion Show. This podcast gets better with every episode, and the hosts are very knowledgeable, so I’m really looking forward to discussing the parks with them! Not sure when the show will be released but I’ll post a link as soon as it is.
Friday, January 13, 2012 @ 9PM EST: Appearing on WDW After Dark with Draven Star. This is a live vidcast, and they’re not afraid of talking about “dark side” topics. One really neat thing about this show is that they have a dedicated chat where the audience can post questions during the broadcast. So start thinking of things you want to ask me and Draven!
Friday, January 27, 2012:Radio Appearance and Book Signing Event in Baltimore, MD – w/Draven Star. We’ll be appearing that morning on 98 Rock’s “Mickey, Amelia, and Spiegel” Morning Show to talk about DSoD stuff and to promote that evening’s book signing event at Atomic Books along with the “Smile, Hon” crew! We’re showing up to the radio station at 8:10AM, and the Atomic Books event is from 7-9PM. Apparently we’ll also be hanging out (i.e., drinking heavily) with Jeff Heimbuch that night at The Hunt Valley Inn. Jeff is a columnist at MiceAge and is also the author of the much-anticipated (for me anyway) Rolly Crump bio, “It’s Kind of a Cute Story”.
And, best of all, I’m planning another trip to Orlando for the near future! Details to come, but needless to say we’ll be coming up with some sort of clandestine get-together. Not a big party (saving that for October!) but some sort of formal meetup somewhere. Stay tuned for an announcement!
Draven Star, Pentakis Dodecahedron, and I went to The Magic Kingdom back in November, and I finally had a chance to edit together the video!
The Snow White meeting definitely isn’t very “Dark Side”, but it was such a great example of a CM going out of their way to make someone’s day special that I had to include it. Draven is a huge Snow White fan, and the one thing she had to do at MK was meet her favorite princess. She started crying the second Snow White walked out the door, and obviously when the CM saw this she realized it was a special moment for Draven. So Snow White took her by the hand and brought her into City Hall, where she got a button that said “I’m Celebrating Meeting Snow White”. It was very sweet and exactly the sort of thing that, despite all of the issues at the parks, keeps the “magic” alive. So, kudos to the CM – give that girl a raise!
In other news, I realized I’d never posted the link to my podcast appearance on WDW Kingdomcast. Hunter, Gary, Ron B (the DSoD contest winner) and I did a virtual “drinking around the world” tour of World Showcase, and by the end I was pretty drunk. Actually, I was already pretty drunk at the beginning. Anyway, it made for an entertaining if not entirely coherent podcast. Check it out at www.wdwkingdomcast.com!
Finally, I want to thank everyone for all the postive responses to my Image Works videos! For better or worse they drew a lot of attention to my exploits, to the point where I was warned by someone with tons of high-profile Disney connections that “[you’re] pushing your luck with stunts like that,” and that it wouldn’t be “smart for you long range if you continue to post things like your ImageWorks walk-thru online.”
So… even though I have some awesome backstage vids in the pipe, I’ll probably refrain from posting them for a bit, until things cool down. Considering I’ll be spending the next few weeks finishing my new book, I likely won’t have time to do much video editing anyway, so the timing is fortuitous. This won’t be a total blackout – I’ll still be on Twitter and Facebook, and will be recording new podcasts, but it just might be a while until I post more videos. Sorry!
Just received an awesome review from Jim Hill, the illustrious and infamous Disney rabble-rouser and rumor-monger who knows a little something about the company’s Dark Side (see his account of how they shut down his private tours of Disneyland). He seemed to enjoy the book quite a bit:
“So what makes this book better than – say – hanging out at the Perkins at the Crossroads Shopping Center near Downtown Disney and listening to some of your old Cast Member friends tell tales out of school? Leonard’s rather adult writing style, for starters. Which attempts to blend Tucker Max’s debauched frat boy adventures with Hunter S. Thompson’s gonzo journalism.”
“…it’s the literary equivalent of ‘Jackass’. In that you get the pleasure of reading about how Kinsey and Co. broke the rules without then having to deal with any of the consequences of breaking the rules yourself.”
Disclaimer: I DO NOT recommend that you attempt to sneak into The Image Works! As you’ll read below, there are obviously Cast Members patrolling the area at all hours, and it is highly likely that you will get caught and possibly arrested!
I had a list of various adventures I wanted to complete during my recent visit to Walt Disney World, and a tour of the abandoned Image Works area in the Imagination pavilion was right about at the top of that list. For those who don’t know, this was an area on the 2nd floor of the pavilion where there were a bunch of kick-ass hands-on exhibits. I remember spending hours up there, walking through the Rainbow Tunnel, waving my hand under the pin tables, and jumping on the musical light tiles like a maniac.
Unfortunately, this area was closed off, gutted, and left abandoned when the pavilion was “renovated” (i.e., seriously fucked up beyond any rational belief) in 1998. A few of the exhibits were moved downstairs into the gift shop area, which is a complete and total clusterfuck and a very unpleasant place to spend any amount of time. But as for the rest…. Nobody really seemed to know, and the videos and photos I’d been able to track down were either old or limited in scope. I really wanted a definitive account of the state of the place, to see what remained (if anything) of the upstairs area that had been the setting of so many fond childhood memories.
For what it’s worth, I’d tried to visit Image Works via legitimate channels by taking the “Undiscovered Future World” tour last year. But contrary to online trip reports, and much to my chagrin, we were not brought up there. That further stoked my curiosity, because I figured the place must be in really poor shape if they wouldn’t even take tours up there anymore. And I was right.
So, at about 7PM one evening, armed with my fancy new HD camera with hybrid motion stabilization, Draven Star, Pentakis Dodecahedron, and I went to the Imagination pavilion and rode the shitty ride, which continues to rape my childhood. We were unceremoniously dumped into the gift shop, where I’d previously noticed the stairway up to the 2nd floor was located, fully accessible (the elevator, on the other hand, is locked up tight). The stairway is, in theory, in the direct line of sight of the CM working the register at the gift store. But on this visit I noticed they’d placed some sort of tall rotating sales rack near the register such that this view was mostly blocked. Aside from that, the gift shop was insanely crowded and definitely understaffed, so the CM at the register wasn’t up for doubling as a low-rent security guard. Just to be safe, I told Draven and Pentakis to look sexy and distract the CM if they started looking towards the stairway as I walked up there.
I was ready, I was pumped, I had an adrenaline rush going on big-time. I strode resolutely towards the stairs, determined not to turn back like a complete wuss. Just as I reached the stairway I slammed smack-dab into a kid who had darted in front of me, way below my sight line. The little girl fell face first on the hard tile of the gift shop, stood up and started screaming her fucking head off. I tried to get her to shut up, to stop drawing attention to me, but she wasn’t having it. I literally picked this kid up and handed her back to her parents, apologizing profusely while really thinking that these parents needed to keep a better eye on their snot-nosed spawn.
“Fuck,” I thought, “that’s the end of that. No way I’m going undetected up those stairs now.”
Walking over to Draven, I told her as much.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t notice anything,” she said.
“How did you not notice?! The kid was screaming like someone had torn her limbs off!”
“Dude, every kid in this place is screaming like that.”
I looked around. I listened. It was true. The place was a complete madhouse. I looked at the CM, who was frantically trying to keep up with an increasingly lengthy line of customers. The little girl I’d smashed into was already wreaking havoc at the antenna topper display, smiling as she stuffed two of them in her mouth.
So, I decided to try again. I opened the camera, once more strode resolutely (I like to be resolute when I stride) to the stairway, and walked up the stairs. When I got to the top, it was absolutely gorgeous. The blue pavilion lighting shone through the glass ceiling, and it was just as magical a space as I’d remembered. But I couldn’t linger – I had to document the entire floor, so I moved on towards what used to be an area where you used big plastic brushes to shoot color at sculptures on the wall. Except what I found was that even though the big sculptures were still intact, the entire center area had been gutted. No more paintbrushes. Exposed wires protruded from the ground, and from there on, shit just got weird.
The Rainbow tunnel was no longer rainbow-y. It was now lit with white fluorescent lights. Coming out of the tunnel, plywood was randomly stacked against black walls. At certain points the path became pitch black, and I couldn’t see where the next doorway was located. I was starting to get creeped out. By the time I was done winding through the maze of Image Works, the whole time worried I was going to get a nail through the foot or get electrocuted by an exposed wire, I was well and good freaked. I just wanted to get the fuck out of there.
But apparently the Ghosts of Image Works Past wanted to punish me for my indiscretions! Just as I was reaching the stairway a CM walked by. Busted! I was already freaked, full of too much adrenaline, and now I was getting busted? Seriously?! So instead of trying to talk my way out of it with some creative excuse, I nonchalantly closed the camera viewscreen (leaving it rolling, of course), and just fell back into the “stupid guest” routine, which is old hat for me. You know the one: “No, I have no idea where I am! I’m not supposed to be up here? Are you sure? But it’s really nice up here!” All the while walking towards the steps, exactly where the CM wanted me to go, so they would feel like they were in complete control of the situation. “My managers will not be happy,” the CM said, which got me moving a little faster down those steps. But by the end of it, after I’d apologized, the CM responded with “Oh, that’s okay!” almost like they felt bad for me, just a stupid guest getting lost and confused as stupid guests are wont to do.
I rushed down the steps and high-tailed it out of the gift shop, nudging Pentakis on the way out, as if to say “Code Red!” I was really afraid that the CM was going to talk to their manager and soon a whole squad of DisPolice would track me down and I’d be banned for life like fucking dumbass Newmeyer. But I made it out of the pavilion safely, huffing and puffing like a fat kid halfway through a pull-up.
Turning back I expected to see Draven and Pentakis right behind me, but they were nowhere to be found. WTF? Had they been captured?! So I waited. And waited some more. I went and took a piss. Came back, no Draven or Pentakis. Shit. I was going to have to go back into the pavilion to see what had happened to them. I slowly walked to the gift shop exit, fully expecting that when I turned the corner I’d peer through the sliding glass doors and see DisCops surrounding the two girls.
Instead, I turned the corner and saw them shopping, giggling like schoolgirls as Draven tried on Figment ears. What. The. Fuck. I’m seconds away from getting hunted down and banned from the parks, and they’re shopping like nothing had happened?!?! Way to have my back, ladies! Oooh, I was pissed! I ran in there, grabbed them both, pulled them out of the gift shop, and ran through the rose garden pathway and into World Showcase until we blended into the massive Food and Wine crowd. Only then did I feel semi-safe. After much yelling and apologizing on both sides (me apologizing for yelling, them apologizing for being the worst lookouts ever), we downed some booze, watched Richard Marx, and then moved on to more debauchery, including hacking the elevator at The Land to get into the VIP lounge. But that’s another story….
I’ve put together two videos of this adventure. The first is the entire walk-thru, from start to finish. I’ve blurred the CM’s face and changed their voice so they won’t get in trouble for letting me go scott-free, but other than that, what you see is exactly what happened.
The next version is the walk-thru cut together with clips from Martin Smith’s excellent 48 minute documentary, “Imagination 82 – The Original Imageworks”. I put this together so you can compare how things used to look with how they look now. Please check out Martin’s site for the full video and for many other awesome WDW documentaries: www.martinsvids.net
I recently went a bit out of my comfort zone and did an interview for a Universal Orlando-centric podcast. Now, I hadn’t been to Universal in years before this past trip, and I make no claims that I’m as knowledgeable about those parks as I am about WDW, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t engage in a fair amount of “Dark Side” activities while I was there!
So, to find out which booze goes best with Butterbeer, why you should wear a neck brace if you’re in a wheelchair (even if you don’t need one), and why having a crying Draven Star with you at Forbidden Journey is completely fucking awesome, check out my interview with the folks at The 100% Unofficial Universal Orlando Podcast!
In anticipation of my upcoming interview with the 100% Unofficial Universal Orlando Podcast I’ve cut together a video of me, Draven Star, and Pentakis Dodecahedron, drinking our way through Universal Orlando’s Islands of Adventure and Citywalk. We booze it up at Mythos, spike our Butterbear with spiced rum and Jack Daniels, Draven cries and scares a train conductor, and I try unsuccessfully to film myself drinking a Hurricane at Pat O’Brien’s.
Check out the new WDW Fan Boys Podcast, where Draven Star and I talk with Brett and Tim about all of the sordid debauchery that occurred at The Dark Side of Disney Party on 11/11/11!